Actualités groupe

A lire : 269 articles Actualités groupe

Bonne année 2025 !

Bonne année 2025 à tous !Les équipes Novelty vous adressent leurs meilleurs vœux pour cette nouvelle année !Continuons de rêver, d’innover, et...


Notre année 2024 en 2 min, are you ready ?Toutes les équipes Novelty sont heureuses et fières d'avoir passé cette année avec vous tous et vous souhaitent...

Newlight by Novelty devient Novelty Italy

Le Groupe Novelty est heureux d’annoncer que l’agence Newlight by Novelty devient officiellement NOVELTY Italy.Cette évolution, faisant suite à l’intégration...

The Groupe NOVELTY-MAGNUM-DUSHOW welcomes Christophe Piette as Deputy CEO

The Groupe NOVELTY-MAGNUM-DUSHOW is pleased to announce the arrival of Christophe Piette in its management team. As Deputy CEO, he will support Christian Lorenzi and Olivier Hagneré and...

CHS by NOVELTY becomes NOVELTY Portugal

NOVELTY is pleased to announce the name change of its agency CHS by Novelty to NOVELTY Portugal. This transition, following CHS’s integration into the Groupe Novelty-Magnum-Dushow in January...

The Novelty-Magnum-Dushow Group is now established in Portugal

NOVELTY is pleased to announce the acquisition of the company CHS - Creative Productions.Founded in 1994, this company is specialized in technical services for festivals, concert tours and...


Happy New Year 2024 to everyone!The Novelty teams wish you a wonderful year!Let's continue our adventure together around the world!Thank you for being part of this incredible Novelteam community!

Season's Greetings 2023

The NOVELTY teams wish you a very happy holiday season. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.During the holidays, we remain at your disposal for your technical needs: [email protected]

Dushow Spain changes its name and becomes Novelty Spain

Dushow Spain has always maintained a free and innovative spirit that allowed it to establish itself as a leader in the Spanish events market. From Barcelona in 2005 to Madrid in 2021, Dushow Spain...


Récapitulons l'année 2023 en moins de 2 minutes !Toute l'équipe Novelty est reconnaissante et comblée d'avoir partagé ces moments avec vous. Que ces...


It’s no longer a rumor...NOVELTY is pleased to announce the signing of an exclusive negotiation with the company LAGOONA.Based in Strasbourg (67) and Belfort (90) - LAGOONA is a technical...

Groupe NOVELTY-MAGNUM-DUSHOW | IMEX 2023 | Frankfurt

Rencontrez les équipes Novelty Bordeaux et Groupe-Novelty-Magnum-Dushow sur le standAtoutFrance- Bordeaux Convention Bureau lors du salon #imex2023 à Franckfurt !-...

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MyBox by Novelty

Bureau d'étude